Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Monday - Eggplant

Happy Memorial Day everyone! I almost forgot to post my Happy Monday entry because it feels like a Saturday today. Anywhoos, I introduced eggplant last week and tried to create an Asian-esque meal. Never really cooked eggplant before so I just winged it. I'm the type who doesn't really like to follow recipes although I probably should. But I get lazy and don't like following step by step directions. -_- Also why I don't like reading manuals either, but that's another story.  So I just sauted the eggplants with red peppers and mixed a little bit of soy sauce, rice vinegar, sugar, red pepper sauce, basil, and s&p. It turned out okay!

How about you guys, do you guys like to follow recipes (for non-baking)? Or do you just wing it based on what you feel like eating? :)

Hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing memorial day holiday!

1 comment:

  1. i don't follow recipes. i play everything by ear based on what i have in the fridge and what spices we have left in the cabinets.

    and eggplants are delicious.
