Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Then & Now

There's something special about good college friends. I think it's the once in a life time college type memories we share that make it so sweet. Memories like meeting freshmen year when you're wide-eyed and ready to tackle the world (but have no idea what the real world is like), late night studying, cafe chats, uncontrollable laughter and tears, figuring out who we are as we journey through a season of change, grace and forgiveness, and being family away from family. 

Having been out of college for almost 3 years (!!!) it's always a good time to see friends who I don't see as often as I used to, like my college roomie Jane! Even though our time was short tonight, it was so nice to see you girl. Love ya!

 Sophomore year @ Sister's Appreciation Night

Almost 6 years later!


  1. Hanna! This post is so sweet! :) I'm so glad I met you and that we got to catch up yesterday! <3 <3 <3 I love you!

  2. :) yea, i'm super happy too! =) =) have a safe flight! see you soon!
